
Dr. Florian Baumann studied Electrical Engineering with a focus on Computer Engineering at the Leibniz University of Hannover. He received his Dipl.-Ing. in March of 2012. Since May of 2012 Florian Baumann was working towards a doctor’s degree (Dr.-Ing.) in the group of Prof. Rosenhahn at the eNIFE. His research interests are machine learning, image processing, automated image interpretation and computer vision, e.g.:

  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
  • AdaBoost algorithm for object detection.
  • Random Forest for (multiple) object detection.
  • Deep Learning and CNNs
  • Human action recognition.
  • Mobile object detection with iOS and Android devices.

In August 2015, Florian Baumann received his Dr.-Ing. focusing on Machine Learning applied to Scene Understanding using Machine Learning techniques. Since September 2015, he has been working first as a Technical Team Lead Engineer and since April 2016 as a Vision Systems Lead in the field of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems at ADASENS Automotive GmbH.
Florian Baumann was responsible for requirements engineering, support in on-going RFQs and technical representative from ADASENS and FICOSA regarding vision algorithms. He is the contact person between OEMs and TIER1/TIER2 for defining, discussing and tracking of requirements and further, responsible of finding and reviewing ADAS software suppliers.
Since December 2016, Florian Baumann moved to the position of the Technical Director at ADASENS Automotive GmbH. He was in charge of delivering and creating the company’s products and targets as well as pre-development and research topics.

Since 2019, Florian works as a CTO specializing in Automotive&AI at Dell Technologies. His responsibility is to support companies in the development process of ADAS functionalities and self-driving cars.

Since August 2021, Florian works as a Director for Cloud and Software Strategy at Aptiv.